A Haste Solution For a Deadly Lie
A Haste Solution For a Deadly Lie
In the wake of it being revealed that Trump knew the reality of Covid-19,
Trump is now trying to push through the idea of a vaccine that is rushed
at best. A question is now being asked as to whether Trump’s leadership
should be trusted.
By Lou Ford
The pandemic is still thriving. The U.S. has 25% of infections of COVID-19 cases while it only has about 4% of the population (Andrew). And while the cases surge and the debate over masks rage on, there is an upcoming presidential election on the horizon. With that comes the argument of if the election should be postponed, or mail in ballots should be the way to go. And while the U.S. seems to continue to collapse under Trump’s leadership there is a surprise that Trump has announced that he says proves he is doing a “tremendous” job. That announcement is the availability of a COVID-19 vaccine which he has asked to be fast-tracked ( Foster & Mundell ). This could be deemed among other things as a political ploy to win the confidence of the American people. Combined with that is the problem that the order could have very negative consequences. Those consequences could have done very long lasting effects.
It is not a surprise that Trump has done a terrible job with his entire time in office. He has ordered inhumane action to be taken against those his base has exclaimed are a problem, there is the racism that he encouraged, the racism he turned a blind eye to, and procrastinated response to a growing health crisis. This claim, this promise of a quick vaccine is dangerous ( Carraggi ). It could result in a horrible outcome if everything does not fall in place. If a vaccine is rushed it could cause there be to be even more distrust, further spread and/or adverse affects due to galloping through the procedures that usually takes longer to accomplish. The problem is that Trump doesn’t seem to care. With a pandemic that is still raging, with new cases growing every day it seems that a problem that once was a little ”thing”, the pandemic, is now an issue. Granted, with Trump, it is a problem that somehow he always has a handle on. That is what he announces as he stands on a growing pile of bodies like a soapbox. The good, the most ”terrific” thing that he is going to do for America is push through a new, untested vaccine for a new virus that we don’t know enough about. He is doing this as a ploy to get elected. As bad as that seems, there is something much worse that has been revealed that makes his announcement extremely offensive.
An interview that Trump had given journalists Bob Woodward for his new new book Rage, he admitted that he knew a great deal about Covid-19 ( Grangel, Herb, Stuart ). He admitted that he knew how contagious it was, how harmful it was, and that everyone was vulnerable. Trumped admitted that he was downplaying the danger because he didn’t want a panic. The obvious trouble with this explanation is that trying to prevent a panic only cost more lives than necessary. And now Trump is proclaiming that he once again has the solution, a solution to a problem that he intensified. It his narcissistic Hail Mary. Do we need any other reason to vote Trump out of office?
When our own president is so bold and callous as to admit that he lied about a health crisis all the while pushing the idea that he is responsible for the solution, do we trust in his leadership? Do we believe that he has our best interest at heart or do we come to the realist epiphany that the leader of the free world is a selfish, spray-tanned, childish blowfish of a man who is only out for himself? Maybe it’s time that we as a nation understand that Trump has done nothing but destroy our country. His lies have cost thousands of American lives. And his sorry excuse for his bad decision is that he is pushing a hastily produced vaccine that could have a massive backlash. How do we contend with this truth? But more importantly how do we contend with the fact that he is responsible for the gapping fracture afflicting out country? I’ll say it again for those who need to hear it. Trump lied to all Americans, and the cost of that lie was 200,000 lives. He is now trying to justify his destructive choose by pushing a vaccine that has not been properly tested. Do we want him, Trump, as our president.
Do we need any other reason to vote him out?
I think not.
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