Can We Coexist?
Can We Coexist?
With the continuing polarization of our nation can conservatives and progressive still live side by side?
By Lou Ford
Does America really have a future? Does it have a chance to become like it once was? That is a question that I have heard being asked? With all the destruction that has been caused by the pandemic, the economic loss that has already occurred and soon to follow, and with further political polarization does our nation actually have a chance to survive?
Maybe we need something different.
The idea that we have gone too far to ever go back, to ever return to normalcy may be a reality right now. With the fact that our society is abuzz with conspiracy theories that have reinvented and cycled themselves as many times as there are ocean waves makes the argument that we will get through this hard to believe. For me it leaves one option that might be the best solution. It’s something that I call political separatism. Now I know what you are thinking, that is extreme and inappropriate, and wrong, but just hear out my reasoning behind this possible solution before you judge.
Politically speaking our nation has always in some way been divided into one extreme or another. The difference now is that it has gotten to the point where no there is a de facto secret police unit that is dragging people off the street (Levinson, Wilson, Doubek, and Nuyen). They are doing it at random, not out of suspicion of a crime being committed, but just for being present at a protest. Now to be fair many of those protests have become violent, that cannot be denied, but there is also the reality that there are also many that have been peaceful. While it is understandable that the violence that has come out of this is wrong, but a leader going to the extent of ordering a makeshift commando unit to kidnap their own citizens, that is horrific.
Maybe conservatives and progressives just can’t live side-by-side.
The fact that we are divided by the presence of federal agents in cities like Portland, and whether it is right, provides the evidence needed that unity is quite possibly unattainable. While to many this may be a perfect reason to reconsider many aspects of our society, there are many other instances that have occurred before this dangerous point in our history. This political polarization, at least in my opinion, is the reason that we are reaching a critical point in our country where the possibility of existing peacefully side by side seems out of the question. This could result in a separation that could go as far as the creation of two separate nations. If you don’t think so then I will give you another example. That perfect example of the dire need for political separation is the pandemic.
The pandemic is a public health issue that should have by all rights united in a unanimous effort to stop the spread of a new disease that has resulted in the death of millions worldwide. Instead, with the help of Trump, it became a political issue and one that he blamed the democrats for (Lemire and Boak). It is also something that he downplayed to the point of going against his own health advisors’ recommendations. A typical thing, but something that resulted in disastrous consequences. Infections skyrocketed, and all the while his constituents fought against any type of safety precautions to the point that an armed militia in Michigan stormed the state capital to demand that the lockdown be lifted (Liptak). This is proof that there may not be much hope at this time for reconciliation when almost every week something else occurs that only fractures the divid more. It is the reason that some kind of separation is needed. There still is another very important reason that I think points to a reason for political separatism, Trump’s proclamation that he will not accept the results of an election where he lost.
Trump has stated several times, most recently in an interview with Fox News’ Chris Wallace that he is not sure that he would accept the results of this coming presidential election (Mansoor). It is important to note that he said he wouldn’t accept the results if he lost. That is a statement that he has had made before, and it is one that many in his base seem to back. There are those groups like Bikers for Trump that have proven that they are willing to support Trump to quiet possibly those ends (Pogue). There is also the fact that armed militias have come to the aid of Trump’s causes. The armed militia in Michigan that I had mentioned, well they were encouraged by Trump’s prodding through tweets demanding that states like Michigan be liberated from the pandemic lockdown. These are groups that could back Trump if he decided that he is not going to give up his seat. These supporters have said that the removal of Trump would result in a second civil war (Folley). Knowing this it would only make sense in this period of time where more and more gasoline is being added to the fire that separation must occur. A separation that could result in two separate nations. Two separate countries. That may be the answer.
Now as I have said before, I know how radical that seems, but just picture this, Trump loses the 2020 election but doesn’t believe it’s right. Maybe Trump could feel that he just shouldn’t lose because his tiny fucking hands are actually stronger, and they built that administration, straining their tiny finger grips in the process. Maybe he believes that it is another example of a liberal conspiracy to destroy American life, but the point is that he refuses. He refuses to accept the results and refuses to move. There is turmoil, and in the growing volatility of the situation violence breaks out; something happens and it pushes things over the line.
Conservatives and Progressives can’t coexist.
What do we do to if that base decides that they won’t let Trump go? What next? And that base by the way really does exist. How do we avoid that bloodshed, and if need be, accept that reality? Maybe it’s time that we realize that we need to step away from this concept of a united America. The separation between liberals and conservatives, the complete separation of those political ideals could quite possibly be the only answer.
The possibility that there could be some kind of second civil war should be enough for anyone who wants to preserve some kind of civility, wants to preserve the idea of what America is then separating the two parties might be the correct solution. That idea, that prospect of separation might be the best idea if we want to in some way protect the American ideal. If we want to do that then we may have to let it go. Political separatism may be the best way.
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