A Liberal’s Nightmare
With Trump increasingly behaving more and more like an autocrat, the opposition is horrified and yet too disorganized to fight back.
The liberals' worst fear is beginning to really come true. Since the beginning of Trump’s rise as a rich orange-colored buffoon to an ignorant jackass on a power trip, many progressives have warned that this would happen. As time has passed, progressives could argue that Trump has done nothing except slowly work up to the point where we are at right now. Starting with the Muslim ban and on to the current pandemic, Trump’s actions have been based primarily on the purpose of gaining more and more power. The ultimate and everlasting consequence of this is a more divided nation than ever before, since the Civil War.
The only problem is that whenever Trump did that was considered out of line, the progressives were so fragmented that they couldn’t actually make progress. And what seemed to be a precursor to the videos of progressives bursting into hysterical tears when it was announced that Trump was elected president, or the divide between those who were outraged by his election, and the moderates who were willing to accept it as such. The battle between Nancy Pelosis and AOC, and the stupidity of the excessive political correctness that was focused on tweets distracted from the true problem that was present. Naïve corruption was the true trouble that existed in Trump’s administration. Those instances of division within the progressive movement are the reasons why the democratic party has not been able to truly be a formidable force.
The GOP, on the other hand, is very different. Many Republicans. for example, were completely against Trump, but the moment that he was elected they changed their tune. They flipped and began praising the man. They fell in line with the man and his agenda. They went from mocking him and making fun of his tiny hands to praising him as if he were a crass Neapolitan. Even John McCain, who Trump disregarded as a fraudulent war hero, turned into a Trump groupie. While that was going on pussy hats, hipsters, and Millennials were too busy bouncing from issue to issue, and not voting to actually achieve much. There also was the fact that despite the fact that Democrats had taken over the House, the Senate was still owned by the Republicans, and therefore shit just wouldn’t pass.
And now after all the bullshit with the Muller report, the battle over the detainment of immigrant children, COVID 19 and, of course, Trump’s constant onslaught of insane tweets, -- nothing had been accomplished. When trying to deal with judicial reform the Democrats don’t have their shit together to actually make a difference. The feud between the old guard and the young Turks occupied the party’s time. What with all the upheaval as a result of the death of George Floyd, the Trump administration has reacted terribly. And now the administration has gone as far kidnapping citizens in Portland without due process. But where is the Democratic party right now? There has been a better response from mothers who came out to protect the protesters from DHS agents. The Democratic party, for all its good intentions, is nothing more than a cluster of disorganized ideas reminiscent of a cocaine-fueled amateur sci-fi novel.
The one thing that we can learn from this is that while the idea of playing follow-the-leader sounds horrible, it may be the only way to be the formidable force for the GOP to deal with. I mean we now have what is basically our own government performing military-style actions on the streets of our cities. Trump has decided to send more federal agents to other cities where some of those actions will continue to be carried out. More US citizens will be snatched off the street, usually for no reason. Uniting the Democratic party may be the only way to stand up to something that is starting to look authoritarian.
It is important now more than ever that the opposition to Trump unite to hold the line in terms of things that we will allow to occur in our nation. Do we want makeshift secrete police snatching people off the street, random people off the street? What are we going to do if Trump loses the next election but because he doesn’t like the results decides he doesn’t want to leave? If the democratic party is too busy with internal squabbling to actually react decisively what could happen to our nation? It is time toss aside whether or not older moderate can actually do anything and the debate over whether AOC is the new girl boss of the democratic movement and act as one. Remember, the liberal’s nightmare, the liberal's worst fear has come true, and if nothing is done then Trump will move further into despotism. When that happens, who will be there to respond? The liberal’s worst nightmare has come true.
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